The other day I received an email about a family
that still
needs help that moved away from our city. Last night I received another
phone call
from someone I did not know from out of state in need of help for
relatives who live in my town. Between these two completely different
needs & stories it
made me think again how lost our culture is and has become from
when I first came to Christ in the early 80's.
As I look
around our culture I see trends that cause me to rethink how followers
of Christ look and act in respect to our culture. When I first became a Christian in the early 80’s
I was discipled and taught some basic principles I have lived by for the past
20 plus years.
1. Abstain or avoid from all appearance of evil I Thessalonians 5:22
2. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what
is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may
benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29
3. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in
you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 1 Corinthians 6:19
Can America
be restored? Maybe, but as long as the vast majority of entertainment keeps
producing and promoting immorality on the scale it has done for the last
several decades it’s not likely in my opinion.But don't despair for there is hope.
2. When I first came to faith in Christ I had a foul mouth.
Jesus Christ was a name I used to curse by. Without anyone telling me I knew I
had to change my verbal behavior. Within weeks I dropped the 4 letter words and
became highly conscious of the words I said in common speech as well as in
anger or pain. Back then, those same words were never heard anywhere but on the
streets and among my rough peers. Today is a different day. Some of the 3 and 4 letter
foul and course expletive words are common place among people in authority as
well as throughout the entertainment world. This rude vocaeven includes many children programming
and cartoon shows. Normal communication speech has become just plan rude. 1 Timothy 3:1-5 But realize this, in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.
I first became a Christian, if the word “ass” or “damn” were
used on a show or program I was taught to change the channel or not
watch it.
( that was before remote controls too) It is still a good rule of thumb to
live by, but rarely does this happen
anymore by just observing the favorite TV shows listed on many believers
Facebook pages. The reason is often justified because
it is only used a couple of times or we just do not define language
usage as conservative as we once did as a culture. Can our tongues
learn again to speak with only
a God honoring vocabulary in a culture where even those in authority use
as the common man lingo? Can our common acceptable language be restored
to a
place of dignity, honor and polite verbiage? I truly doubt it and
especially so with text messaging becoming
a new language of the day where even the letters “LMAO” are common place
an entire generation. People do not even need to say a foul words out
loud to
be heard, but just think it and abbreviate it and those on the other end
get it,
without a single vulgar word technically spelled out in full or spoken. But don't despair for there is hope.
3. When I first came to Christ I had 3 main bad habits that polluted
by body. I smoked, I drank alcohol and I smoked marijuana. As soon as I
received Christ as Savior I knew that marijuana was wrong and had to go and I
wanted it to go as well. I was ready to think straight and have a fresh start
in life. Alcohol being legal was a different story. I thought as long as I do
not get drunk I am within the biblical boundaries. Within a short time I realized that just because it was legal and
acceptable in the culture did not mean it was with God and me. So that left my
life within 3 months. Smoking was the last of my big three bad habits. Since so many of the new friends I had in
Christ did not smoke I became more aware of how stupid of an addiction and
habit it was and by God’s grace gave it up so I could be a stronger testimony for
God and live a healthier and longer biblical life. Well those three things are still in our
culture, but now they are replaced or minimized by even more life wrecking
drugs. However, these new drugs are prescribed to people by those in authority that
had been trusted for decades. The medical profession and professional is now
writing solutions to problems that can often be made up to get the drug. Many
get drugs only to sell them like a business. Is there hope to change this addictive culture? I seriously
doubt it now as there is an entire multi-billion dollar industry locked into
the medical field on these life destroying drugs. ADHD is another supposed
problem that kids gets prescriptions for these days. A few decades ago a child
would rarely be prescribed a drug. Now a generation of children have become
adults who are used to taking drugs for problems since childhood.
Is the Land of the Lost without hope? NO…. Jesus Christ is
the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Hebrews 13:8. Jesus can and still does forgive
sin, break the bondage's and sets the drug addict free. The difference between a
few decades ago and now is the higher cost to becoming a follower then it was
before. To truly follow Christ ones steps will stand out in the crowd more
obvious than even a few decades ago.
Can two senior citizens marry and lose one income and still
trust God? Absolutely! Will they count the cost and still do it? I wonder.
Can someone go to the doctor and ask a zillion questions and
decide against taking a prescription that tends to addict and request something
different or find alternative answers to pain. Absolutely! Will They? I wonder.
Can someone speak and be entertained without compromising a godly
vocabulary that is not as common place as it once was? Absolutely! Will they? I Wonder
Can someone find a place to live without living in sin and
honor the God of the universe and avoid appearances of evil? Absolutely! Will
they? Time will tell.
These are hard days in America. We are truly a lost
culture and desperately need a Savior. We need Him as much culturally
as we do individually. American needs a Savior ! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus
Christ Righteousness! Share him with your culture and see what the Lord will
do.We might not be able to change the culture all at once, but we can one lost soul at a time.