Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Testimony of Attending Waiting Schools

I thought I should put into words (even though I am the “Video Preacher”) what God has been doing in my life and our ministry in Virginia? As a result of being apart of several Waiting Schools ( ) God has stirred me and moved in our hearts. As I look back I can clearly see that as a pastor I was losing steam and confidence of what God was going to do in our adverse circumstance. Each Waiting School has been a progressive working of God’s power and grace. God also mightly used the spoken testimonies of His people at Waiting Schools in my heart too. In revelation 12:11 it says ,"And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death". Truly God uses the Testimony of the saints more than I believe many give consideration to anymore. People need to testify or others will miss out on what God is doing. So in light of that, here is at least my written testimony for the record.The turning point was Waiting School 6 in Florida in the spring of 2008 which I sensed His Spirit calling me back to the lifestyle of fasting and pray. I had basically abandoned fasting from years earlier. I sensed of the Lord to once again fast and pray for 40 days for God to move in our church, revivals in Maine and other Waiting Schools meetings and for my own personal discipline to make changes in life. Within a few weeks through a series of events I had compromised from that 40 day call to fasting to just two days a week instead. When I arrived at Waiting School 7 I had another turning point as I listened to 3 people specifically that God used to inspire me to fast and pray for 40 days that God had placed in my heart to do before Waiting School 7 in May 2008.I attended a workshop By Rev. Cecil Jones and Rev. Richard Waller, who taught on fasting. After listening to their testimonies of fasting and prayer and specifically for 40 day periods I knew I had to listen to God and trust Him to do this again. Then at the Sunday Morning closing service at WS7 when Pastor Bob from Alaska shared his story I was compelled by the Spirit to testify myself (for the first time at any waiting School) what I was trusting God to do in our ministry and my journey.The Lord has blessed since and provided in some very unusual and wonderful ways over these last 40 plus days now since WS7. Our churched entered the summer doing a series on the generous life from June 1st through July 10th. It as during this period I felt was a perfect time to accompany the special period with 40 days of prayer and fasting as well. Since Waiting School 6 we have had 3 men and 1 women sanctified wholly and filled with the Spirit of God and 1 new attending women saved at our altars. Two of those sanctified were board members who prayed through at Wednesday night prayer times. Truly God is working in our midst! Financially God has provided at just the right time. In late June we had the largest attendance of 2008 with 70 people at our church A.M. worship service. God is moving and stirring people and this pastor once again. This was the largest attendance we have had all year and even more than any other holy day in the past 12 months. Here it is summer and the bills are paid, attendance for the summer is higher than usual, people are getting saved and sanctified and people are visiting our church from out of nowhere. For this rural church that usually sees decreases in many areas during the summer this is hugh God thing.We have often gone months on end without new faces visiting our rural church, but just in the last 30-60 days we have had 7 new families visit our church and donations and giving has stayed the course as we are experiencing God's favor and grace even in what has often been referred to as," the SUMMER SLUMP MONTHS of Ministry". Our God is faithful and He is working in our midst and I give Him the glory for what he has done. I trust Him to continue to do more amazing things as well. It's all about Him and changed Lives. Thank God for Waiting School where the rubber meets the road and Holiness is preached, taught and testified too and caught, all to the Glory of God!He Rules!!

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