Well another day on mission is complete. Today we were up and in the ditch by 730am working in the dirt laying giant logs. ( A kids dream on adult scale) We worked until noon today as we were running out of materials. It looks like we under estimated the job expenses some and the church leaders have decided to spend its. savings for another 100 railroad ties to finish the job. It has to be done and the extra 1600.00 is needed to finish the job. Had this whole project been out sourced professionally it. Would have cost over 12000 but with the donated labor and materials from the team we helped this church move ahead for kingdom Work to reach souls and keep the building in better shape to serve more. People. If you wanted to help this church with a donation to help off set these unexpected donations you would bless them tremendously. This churches buildings were all originally built by work and witness teams and hopefully our team and its project power to build, repair and complete will bless them through a few more years. The pastor and his wife have a truly great spirit for sharing Christ and building up a people for God's glory here. They have blessed us as well so much in hosting us and feeding us as we work among them. A few needs that would really help this church would be a church van as well. They had one, but drove it to the last mile of use. So if you have an old van that still has life in it perhaps a drive to Alaska and a flight back could be a double blessing for all parties. Of the 26 churches of the Nazarene in Alaska most are very needy of assistance still. The. First Alaskan Nazarene church started in the Fairbanks area back in the late 20's and some 80 plus years. Later only 26 churches are in the whole. State. The pastors who come here are called here and make hugh changes in lifestyle to serve here.
After our half of work we went into town to visit 3 places. First was the gold mine where we took a tour and actually paned for Gold. Every in the group got gold in value ranges from 6 to 45 dollars worth. My father in law purchased a pan to mine gold back east. I bought a book about Sarah Palin with the hopes of her signature tomorow afternoon at her regination party at the Gold Days Governor fair. We also saw the Alaskan pipeline today and a visit to downtown Fairbanks among the local vendors. It was 73 degrees and dry today. The skys are still smoke filled from the forest fires and. Ash still is falling at times all around us. Alaska is still truly a frontier state. No permits are needed for any building out here. If you can dream then just go build it. What an amazing day. We ened the day with another home cooked meal including Elk meat with Bear meat on the menu for the luncheon after Church. So much love and hospitality shown here. What a great God we serve all over this ever shrinking globe. Tomorrow is a day of rest and worship and a hopeful personal encounter with Sarah Palin in the mid afternoon.
To see previous blog post visit www.migner.com
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