Each year as I reflect on the passion and sacrifice of Christ I am always amazed at how His Spirit teaches me something new about the greatest sacrifice in world history. Jesus went to a cruel death for me and for anyone who would trust in Him. Last night as I read the last supper passage of scripture from the gospel of John to my family as our evening devotion I asked a question to my kids. From everything I just read what spoke to your heart about what happened to Jesus? We discussed several things and then prayed and then to bed.
Today I attended a community Good Friday Breakfast in my home town. The minister who shared today did a great job sharing the early morning dealings with Jesus as they decided to crucify Jesus. As I listened and read the scriptures the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart through a scripture as well. It was an unusual verse that slipped past me in times past.
Luke 23:12 That day Herod and Pilate became friends--before this they had been enemies.
If you review the relationship between these two men you will see that they went through a power struggle. Basically in my opinion they both had big egos and wanted more power and because of that they were enemies over issues regarding the people under their jurisdiction.
Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. Luke 13:1
Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. Acts 4:27
So in the final deciding moments over who would make the decision over what to do with Jesus these two enemies bounce Jesus back and forth and final a innocent man ( Jesus) is sentenced to death and two enemies become friends.
Jesus has a way of changing the most adverse circumstances around- even that of making enemies friends. Good Friday is only good for those who believe. On that original day that they crucified our Lord we find some of the most interesting things happening that are worth pondering. If the innocent life of Jesus could somehow bring two power hungry enemies to place of becoming friends what could Jesus do in your life that is against all odds?
I leave you today with a few scriptures verses to ponder and a new and unusual video. It is from the perspective of one of the criminals that died with Jesus. Let your heart be filled with hope today that Jesus still can reverse the most unlikely situations and transform a heart at the last minute. He did 1981 years ago on the day he died and He can still do it again today with you and your difficult situtation.
Psalm 2:1 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One.
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