Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are you Sinner or Saint?

      Many years ago when I was a youth pastor in Lakeland, FL I remember a local church having a special day called "Bring a Sinner Day". Someone I knew told me about it and how they were supposed to invite people who agreed they were a sinner. As it turned out they had a great response and many people came who admitted they were indeed active sinners. People agreed to attend that day out of curiosity or honesty to be a sinner that day.  I later heard that many who attended that day as sinners left as saints.

             The other day I got into a conversation while out in public with a gentleman. At some point in the conversation he said "we are all sinners anyway, right?" I guess my answer shocked him because I said." No". You should have seen the look on his face! Had he meet me in 1980 I would have agreed with him. Since becoming a disciple of Jesus I do not confess I am an active sinner, because I am not. When God gets a hold of a person's heart and repentance occurs there is a spiritual transformation called being Born-Again. It is at that moment of true heart expressed repentance that sins are forgiven and sinner becomes saint. Throughout the New Testament we read how each of the epistles was addressed to the saints in certain cities.    

        Somehow humanity has exalted the term "saint' far beyond the reach of what the bible intended to convey.

         I don't know about you, but I thank God that Jesus transformed this former active sinner into a present day active saint. My sinning days are over!  To walk daily in the light as He is in the light is a joy and honor as a child of God. Once someone comes to know Jesus Christ as Savior there should not be a desire to continue in sin. Being a Saint is not about works of righteousness or how many good deeds one can do, but about a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ while living in the here and now.  

So if you are tired of being a sinner then we welcome you any Sunday to come as sinner and leave as Saint.  He still has the power to transform, forgive and set the prisoners of sin free and turn Sinner into Saint!


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